An innovation that allows you to give birth to a healthy child, here are a few other benefits of genetic screening
The field of pre-implantation genetic screening (PGS) has grown over the last few years, and so too have the benefits of the technology. While PGS was originally meant to help couples who were having difficulty conceiving, it's now also used to identify potential genetic diseases in embryos before they are implanted into a woman's womb. This can be beneficial if you and your partner are looking to avoid passing along potentially dangerous genes to future generations. But this is just one reason as to why couples should consider undergoing PGS if they're struggling to conceive (or if they already have children).
Let us list out more reasons why you should opt for PGS-
PGS aims to raise the possibility that the embryo(s) you've chosen will result in a fruitful, healthy conception for your future family. PGS testing shortens the time it takes to get pregnant, minimises the need for several embryo transfers, and lowers the risk of miscarriage. Even while PGS frequently incurs additional costs, it can frequently lower the overall cost of your IVF process by reducing the number of transfers required to become pregnant.
While it cannot test for specific diseases, it can definitely look for chromosomal abnormalities, like changes in their number and position. The doctor can determine which embryos can prevent healthy birth by looking at the chromosome and ruling them out while making sure only the best embryo with normal chromosomal makeup is selected for implantation.
Your fertility specialist can predict which embryos are most likely to implant and develop normally thanks to PGS. To maximize the success of your IVF procedure, your doctor can identify and avoid transferring any embryos that have specific chromosomal defects that hinder the transferred embryo from implanting within the uterus or developing during its early stages. However, other chromosomal anomalies are less dangerous to the embryo and enable implantation. These can still interfere with a pregnancy happening normally and can result in a miscarriage.
The decreased amount of uncertainty patients may have before and after the embryo transfer is one of the most important benefits of PGS, particularly for patients who have already suffered the heartbreaking loss of a miscarriage. PGS offers you an assured viable embryo, a lesser risk of pregnancy loss, and less emotional stress.
Your fertility doctor would use PGS to transfer the healthiest embryos first, preventing failed embryo transfers. Knowing which embryos will aid in a full-term pregnancy will help you to avoid wasting months on embryo transfers that won't result in a healthy pregnancy and delivery.
The technique helps you determine which embryos are worth storing and transferring. The long-term benefits of knowing which embryos are viable for storage and which embryos are worth transferring during IVF help significantly cut the costs of multiple cycles.
From a medical and social point of view, it's promising that this procedure allows couples to plan or prevent pregnancies predisposed to genetic disorders. It must be acknowledged, however, that PGS requires testing each embryo at its development stage. However, the diagnosis of a serious genetic defect in the early stages of development can help expectant parents have time to reflect on their choice. The best part, however, is that it helps the prevention of congenital diseases like thalassemia, muscular dystrophy, cystic fibrosis and others. So far the procedure is one of the best ways out there to prevent these congenital disorders. So, go for it!
Consult with us and find out how personalised IVF treatment plans at Jananam can enhance your chances of parenthood.